Friday 8 March 2013

5 Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath For Good !!

5 Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath For Good

You see the girl of your dreams. You've got the swag, you've got the hair, you've got the outfit, you know what to say. She smiles as you approach, but as the first words leave your mouth her look of interest becomes one of disgust. Your breath stinks! Don't let this happen to you!

The above situation is just a mock one, but bad breath kills all social interactions.  Do you enjoy talking to someone with bad breath?  Have you ever had that repeat customer who just can't seem to find the toothbrush every morning? Don't be that guy!  Bad breath is easily preventable, in ways that may not be so obvious.

Brush (and Floss) Your Teeth

I lied.  This one is fairly obvious.  So obvious, in fact, that there are zero excuses not to do this.  Even little children are able to learn this skill, and they can do it with toy toothbrushes and cartoon toothpaste.  If you have trouble remembering to brush and floss, you have no one to blame for that missed conversation but yourself!  If you have trouble brushing your teeth or get bored easily, do what kids do and get an electric toothbrush or a toy toothbrush.  Play a game if you have to.  Brush in the shower so that you can multitask.  No matter what, consistent, manual cleaning of your teeth removes bacteria and food particles.  If there are no food particles, bacteria can't habitate your mouth.  If there is no bacteria, they cannot get a foothold colony going.  Don't forget to brush your tongue; that white stuff is actually a gross cause of bacteria.  Mouthwash is essential for all the nooks and crannies your toothbrush will miss.

Drink Water

Ever wake up with an incredibly dry, stinky mouth?  Morning breath is caused by a lack of saliva in your mouth.  Saliva kills and drowns bacteria, and being dehydrated means you aren't making a lot of it.  Drinking water already has numerous health benefits; after all, water is the majority of your body and is needed for most of the chemical reactions in your body.  Add the elimination of stinky breath, and you have no reason to not drink!  If you are still lazy, chewing gum can help.  Not only do they come in different flavors that change the smell of your breath, but gum also makes you salivate.  Gum high in sugar content is bad, so look for gum with Xylitol, which is a sugar substitute. 

Eat an Apple

More healthy habits that also kill bad breath?  Believe it.  Your days of binge drinking and feasting on pizza are probably hurting you.  But so can your low-carb diet.  When you are cutting out on carbs and making your body burn fat instead, your body produces ketones.  Ketones can be released in your mouth, and they stink.  Eating an apple or a banana, which are both high in carbs, can counter this.  Also, bananas and apples are good for you.

Watch What You Eat

Seeing a pattern here?  What you put into your body affects what you're made of, and more importantly what comes out.  Some foods cause stinky breath, such as garlic, onions, and dairy products.  Garlic and onions smell good and taste good, but when it comes to your breath they just aren't that enticing.  Alcohol is not only bad for you, but does the same thing garlic and onions do.  However, alcohol also causes dehydration, which takes us back to the drink water segment.  If you've ever woken up after a night of hard drinking with an incredibly dry stinky mouth, you know why.  Acidic beverages, such as orange juice, also lead to tooth decay and smelly mouths.

See a Dentist

Normally, you should be seeing a dentist every 6 months.  A dentist can check in on your teeth, make sure you don't have cavities, and ask that all important question, "do you brush at least twice a day?" Regular tooth cleanings can also destroy buildups of plaque and leave your mouth looking and smelling squeaky clean.  Your dentist is also your number 1 friend in the fight against bad breath.  If none of the above helps with your bad breath, it might not be your fault and may actually be a medical condition that needs treatment.  Some afflictions, such as tonsil stones,  diabetic ketoacidosis, and  trimethylaminuria can all make you speak with speech bubbles (the bad kind, not the cartoon kind). After your crazy drinking and partying binge, you may want to see your dentist :)

There you are; five easy things you can do to prevent bad breath. They should be pretty easy, and won't prevent you from talking to people.  Aside from your horrible fashion, of course.

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